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March 05, 2010


Candi Harris

The tea set is just beautiful. One day you may find a teapot that matches:) Wouldn't that be great.


Hello Caren,

How are you? :-)

And yet again, another precious piece/s from your family. Are they really that small?

I hope you had fun during your trip last week.



Wow! It sure would be fun one day to stumble upon the tea pot that matches to complete your set! That would be so perfect! Hope you are having a great weekend and you are enjoying Pink Saturday! Sherri : )


Very cute, Caren! So nice that it belonged to your Mom. Happy Pink Saturday.



Another sweet set! You're so lucky to have so much from your family. Have a happy pink week!!

Bella Sinclair

Hello, Caren! You should never invite me over to your house. With all your beautiful teacups and china and whimsical decor, and PINK, I don't think you'd ever get me to leave. I'd be "the Thing" that lives in the corner.

Thank you for your lovely comment. Have a wonderful week, my beautiful friend!


Happy Pink Saturday Caren Sweetie...
I adore this little tea set. How pretty the cups and saucers are. Maybe you could find a solid colored teapot to match the coloring in the flowers in the cups. It would look so pretty with the flowers all around it. How beautiful it would be on a tray. Such a beautiful memory of your sweet Moma. Everytime you pick it up to pour a cup you will smile and think of your sweet Moma and the happiness it brought to her each time she served tea in this set. What did she discuss each time she served tea?

You know so many times we tell ourselves we are waiting for a special occastion. I mean what is a special occasion if not today? God has given us this beautiful day today, and we do not know if there will be a tomorrow, so why not today? Have a cup of tea sweetie and think fondly of your sweet Moma.

Moma sends me cups and saucers and teapots, because we always say if we only had time for tea each year I go home. I think to myself each time I pick up my tea cup, thank you sweet Moma. She is with me everyday that way.

Thank you for sharing sweetie. I so love it when you do. I pray you are well. Please know that you are so loved sweetie. I pray that sweet Ashley is well. Please tell her hello for me.

Country hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry


What a beautiful tea set! Things passed down from our mothers are such special treasures. Thank you for your nice comments on my blog. BTW- I used to live in STL (Clayton).


Even if all the pieces of the tea set are not there, the loving memories are. A very nice feature for today.


Such a pretty set!


How adorable!

Happy PS!

In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"


Happy Pink Sat,Caren! Love that sweet tea set. It's amazing that all of those C/S have survived! Maybe you'll find a sugar bowl some day...or a tea pot!

Hope all is well with you....are you warming up in SL? It's supposed to be in the high 50s in KC today! Bring it on! L, Dana


What a special treasure you have. Thank you for sharing.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Mermaid Debbie

Beautiful! I have my Grandma's childhood set. Yours reminds me that I should take it out of the china cabinet and take pics for Pink Saturday! Have a wonderful Saturday and the rest of your weekend!


Love it, and love that it came from your mom. Happy Pink Saturday!


Hi Caren, the tea set from your Mum is lovely and its a wonderful pic :)
Have a super weekend!

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